At our small garden haven, we really try to make the visit as enjoyable as we can.
Good and yummy food
The verbal feedback for our food has been delightful! We know that even kids love our food, but for the hesitant few, we are creating our very own kids menu so stay tuned! The most wonderful thing about our menu, even die-hard curry fans need not worry about putting on weight!

The place is homely, and even our staff has grown to love the menu so much that they have their every meal lovingly provided by our lady boss. The kitchen is detailed from knives that prevents vegetables and fruits from oxidizing to water and ingredients that are purified from unhealthy components. The food is served with tender loving care, and you can enjoy it in our small garden decorated with colorful flowers and leaves.
Interesting menu
Nothing exotic to be a dare for anyone, but we do try to recreate the favorite local cuisines such as curry and rojak in healthy counterparts. We use soy milk as opposed to coconut milk which prevents an upset stomach. Find out more about our menu on our main page, where a slide-show menu explains the health benefits of our dishes
True to organic and healthy origins
I'm constantly impressed by my mother's wealth of knowledge in terms of organic and health facts. She has gone on to insist that the chefs cook with healthy sugar, salt and oil. And that is no easy task, for the texture of the food and the method of preparation is heavily tested. And her hard work has paid off, now her food is made from healthy ingredients including imports from Taiwan. Do talk to lady chef Jessie Yee if you have a burning health question.
Sharing their stories and belief with people who support them
Both mother and daughter have had our fight with different kinds of illnesses, and we earnestly believe that we need to spread the message that your diet makes your health. We have our blog, and our facebook page for active discussions. You can ask us questions, personally or through the digital medium and we will attend to each with our best responses
Positive advertising
We understand that it is a daunting task to turn full-vegetarian, especially when the supply for non-vegetarian far exceeds the contrary. We believe that it is easier to begin light, start with the dishes that appeal most to you, and then begin trying others. You can also suggest to us what dishes you would like to see on the menu, and we'd do our best to cater, just so you have the best variety available
So what are your expectations for a good, vegetarian cafe? Go to our Facebook page now and give us your response now! :)