Sunday, 18 March 2012

Discussion: Pros and Cons of organic food by Yahoo

Yahoo posted an article discussing the pros and cons of organic products, and it is an informative read for all vegetarians as it does cover some of the reasons that make one change their diet patterns. Have a read here if you're curious, also a good idea to run through it before reading the following discussion if you're interested :)

According to Yahoo, some of the pros of buying organic products are:
Friendlier to animal and environment, reduces risk of heart diseases and also contains reduced content of chemicals.

And in the same article, some of the listed cons of buying organic products:
It has a shorter shelf-life, more expensive, not necessarily more healthy and still contains traces of chemicals

What works in our Garden:
At Jelina Garden, we believe in balancing things. Thus, we carefully select the items which we choose to go organic. A selection of greens, most of the seasoning and packed items are usually organic options. Reason why we do not want to have every green an organic select is to help balance costings, we would still want our customers to pay a reasonable price for food which is not possible with the cost of organic counterparts.

But for certain parts, we do believe in going organic. Seasoning and packed items especially, we would try to use them and still remain cost effective. Seasoning and packed items are usually processed using chemicals to give it a longer shelf life. As we would use the seasoning extensively for cooking, there is no problem for us to use organic products as we exhaust them quicker than a normal-size household.

And even if we are not a full-fledge organic restaurant, our beliefs and missions are the same as organic benefits. Jelina Garden starts out as a vegetarian restaurant with the motto on kindness "Be kind to yourself, Be kind to the world, Be kind to animals". (Our mission) A vegetarian does plenty of good to yourself, the world and animals. And we also pro-actively find new measures to improve the quality of eating. Even in our kitchen, we carefully select our knives, cooking pan and water sources to keep the greens fresh and nutritious. (Our kitchen).

How do you keep things going at your kitchen? Would you like to learn how to eat healthy at home too, then check out our courses here. Also be looking forward to our upcoming refreshed menu with additions to spice up your diet! Watch our space kind folks, and let us strive for an improved diet everyday!

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